
The main act of Worship is normally held at 10.00am each Sunday. 

The preachers are appointed by the Methodist Circuit of which we are a part. This includes up to 2 services a month from the Minister of the Church. Services arranged and conducted by the local congregation occur roughly monthly . 

The service normally lasts for about an hour. It is followed by tea and coffee creating an opportunity to spend time with each other. 

 An activity for children and young people is available during this service - so children are very welcome. There will be a formal Sunday School on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

Worship takes place in Church

Sunday 21st April* 10.00am Service of Worship
Led by Revd. Sang Wook Han, Coulsdon Minister
followed by General Church Meeting

   4.00pm Tea and Farewell service (5.00pm) -
for Revd. Martin Knight at South Croydon  United Church

Sunday 28th April 10.00am Service of Worship
Led by members of the Coulsdon congregation

Sunday 5th May* 10.00am Communion service
Led by Revd. Sang Wook Han, Coulsdon Minister

Sunday 12th May 10.00am Joint service at Whitethorn Avenue
Led by Revd. Sue Shortman

Sunday 19th April* 10.00am Service of Worship
Led by Revd. Sang Wook Han, Coulsdon Minister

*signifies weeks when Junior Church meets